Sunday, June 6, 2010

Things are starting to line up...starting...

So life has been a big ol' mess lately! We finally found a house in Plain City that the lady will sign a two to three year lease so that we dont have to worry about this crap happening again with our landlord so we are going to start packing soon and getting stuff over there. Its going to be nice to be out in the sticks again without the heavy traffic coming out of the canyon and the cliffs in the yard. This house is an awesome house we are in and we are super sad to have to leave, but there are alot of things that are too stressful with the kids up here, kids need to be kids and play and be wild in the yard and this yard is just not kid friendly, nor is the heavy traffic coming out of the canyon with everyone speeding. So we are excited to get a flat big yard that the kids can ride their bikes in, and play like kids in. The house is alot smaller then what we are in right now, but we hardly use anything other then our rooms, kitchen, one bathroom and the front room anyway so its pointless to have this huge house when all we entertain is our kids. So really its not going to make us that sad to just downgrade to things we use and make more of it. We went to talk to the lady renting it and she is my aunts best friend and is so nice so I think its going to be good for us to get away from this weird ass lady anyway. lol. The problem:JD is hurt and going to be having surgery, I am knocked up...hhmm, this could be interesting!! We are going to pack the hell out of the house and make sure its all packed and hopefully we can find some people to help us get it all out because I have no idea who to ask. We both hate asking for everyones help, we would rather just deal with it and do it on our own, but this time its a baby for me that would be getting the brunt so I feel like JD is going to end up just going at it and totally kill himself just to get it done, he doesnt have to attitude of "lets wait til someone will help" he is more "oh well, guess I have to do it" guy. Kinda sucks, I appreciate that attitude more then anything, but I get so scared he is going to hurt himself one of these times. I have seen him go to major extreme to do something on his own, and it doesnt matter if it is killing him in pain, he just does it and pushes himself til its done...something I am not used to being my Dad, and Brother are a little different in that area. lol. But anyway..the baby is good...still a GIRL!! YAY! And getting big, kicking, punching and on one most the time. I love it! I am trying so hard to enjoy this last pregnancy, and I am loving feeling and seeing the baby grow, but HOLY MOLY, my hormones are outta whack sooooooooooooooooooo bad I am ready to crawl in a hole til this is all done! JD is very patient with me and its so helpful, but I am still a mega bitch and for some reason cant just control these moods, I am hoping they will get a bit easier..fingers crossed..but all in all its been a fun ride with pregnancy, moving, jd getting injured at work, taking care of my brothers kids, and kayden getting out of school! Its possibly the mixture of all of those that I might be having the crazy moods?? Ya think?? haha. But I am hangin on......

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Long story. But I need it out of my head. :(

Holy moly!!! In a matter of months things went from stressful to absolutely completely out of control. We are trying our hardest to do everything that we can for my brothers situation but it is extremely hard on us, so we are going to do it as long as we can. With no financial help or anything and just taking on multiple kids (on top of our two and being pregnant) its rough. But they are loving it here and loving the attention that they are not used to getting so its rewarding at the end of the day. This whole situation with my brother makes my heart ache. I was once this child that wondered where home was? Wondered who loved me? Wondered why I got the Mom and Dad I got? So its all really emotionally hard for me to even think that I could turn them away no matter how broke or stressed we are, LOVE IS FREE, and I more then anyone understand that. My situation when I was young is pretty much being repeated right now by him and its not surprising its what he has seen and learned from, someone will always pick up the pieces when you get weak when it comes to a few certain people in my family. JD and I are struggling with this in alot of ways, we do not understand how the hell someone can do certain things, and then again, and again and again! The cycle HAS to end, or you end it for them??!! Right? We feel its not right for someone to take advantage of us, our money or our kind heart. If we choose we will raise these kids, why would we do this without legal rights??? Well this same thing happened to me. I was 11 when I moved in with my aunt and uncle, my mother and father up and left. They would come by like once a year or something but I had so much hatred for them I got physically ill when I would see them. My parents also REFUSED to sign over any rights for my aunt to have control or assistance from the state, so she and my uncle just dealt with the hard time and made sure I was loved. It changed my life. I love my Aunt more then words can express. I now understand how difficult it was. But when I was 16 my Mom found out that if she had me living with her that her child support would go up to 450 a month. that point I was for once in my life getting about a 3.8 gpa, had a boyfriend Josh who I was with for 3 years, just got a job at Kirts in North Ogden, and trying out for Fremont Cheerleading. I got home one day it was in the summer, it was just Josh and I and Vonnie came downstairs and said there is nothing she could do to stop it but I was going to have to go back and live with my mom. MY WORLD WAS CRUSHED. I knew what was going to happen, I had no doubt in my mind this was about money so I asked her, she said yes the child support will go up and she needs it right now, I am sorry there is nothing I will do things will be fine. Things WERE NOT fine. My life crumbled each and everyday. I got back with her and it was horrible. I hated everything about her, she didnt fool me, I saw right through the bullshit. The only good thing that came out of my situation with her is that god sent JD my way and things worked out for us to be together even if I didnt do it the way I "should" of. No one knows me, they didnt know what I was actually into, they would kiss JDs feet knowing the horrible things he saved me from and gave me reason for living at that point. So here I am at this point in my life with my brothers kids...thinking, I was that kid who was ripped away from what I loved all because nothing legal went of it. So WHY WHY WHY would I allow this to happen to my beautiful neices? I wouldnt. I refuse to do this long term just for that reason. They are not going to live here and get a happy life then get ripped right away when it benefits their selfish father. But then on the other side I am in the minds of the little sweet babies, I know the sadness they are going through and if I can save them from even just a portion of that life I would want to. But its not easy for me either, why does he think that when its hard he can just up and leave?? This is killing me inside. I do not know what to do. I would love to just do this temp but whos to say this is not going to turn into a year, two, three? Its hard enough being pregnant with all the hormones raging, then to add this I am honestly a mess. Mentally and Physically right now. I have thought about how if I wouldnt have even tried to have a baby that I could just do all this and there wouldnt be a problem, but that thought makes me feel horrible. I am popping out kids..but I am TAKING care of those kids so I am allowed to have another if I please. But the thought of just not being pregnant with my third this whole process would be so much easier. But this is my girl, this is my last, this is MY BABY. I feel like my family and I are missing out on a very important stage in our life that we should be focusing on more, yet we are unable to with all the craziness. The sad thing is the kids are little angels and mind way good, its the adults, they are drama, selfish, gossip, and plain difficult. I am being the bad guy in my family because I wont just take them and shut my mouth. I want a timeline, I want to know when this is going to end, I want to know who is going to help with groceries when we are out of food. This would all be different right now if we were able to have JD just work some extra overtime, but with him not working he is unable to. We are getting Workers Comp, but this is killing him not being able to provide for them. But I am sad to see him feel like these three girls are his responisibility, they are not, he is just a good guy. I am at the point in my life where I have watched my brother fool everyone. However he is finally catching on that JD and I ARE NOT FOOLS. He called and asked if he and his girlfriend could stay with us since they know our house is big enough for them with no problem, but all JD could say is "I am a Man, and I know these girls deserve better so I will take them no matter how hard or rough or difficult it gets. You and your girlfriend just go have your fun, one day you will turn into a man and figure it all out" (mind you he is 30). Its hard to turn your brother away when you know he has nowhere to go. Everyone is telling him no. He is living in a motel with his girlfriend and he will learn this is not a way to live. We have all told him yes for too long, now we all understand we have to break the cycle. So the way it goes long term is up to him. Sad situation, but you just have to keep pushing through.

Friday, May 7, 2010


So we found out today that we will be having our grilly finally. We are sooo excited, JD is slightly more excited then me at the moment due to people freaking me out about girly attitudes and whinyness, I know as soon as I start buying stuff this will come to an end. lol. I am really excited though, this is exactly all we need to shut me up and I will definatley not need anymore kids. haha. I thought that right when I got pregnant, then I kept thinking but wait a second, what the heck would I do if it was another boy and I never had a girl??? I would have definatly thought about a fourth a few years down the line again. So we are super excited to call this good. :). I am so far actually feeling better, for the most part, my food is not staying down very well at night, but other then that my energy is back and things are good. We have my little neice here for a bit..not sure if its going to be permanent or not, but we are helping out my brother who is struggling to be a single father and so we have offered to take in little one year old Maddy. We love her like our own children and she is melting JDs heart every second she is with him, so I think Casey is going to have to beg for her back. lol. She is such a great little baby tho, she is loving being here with our boys and having the little attention that she needs. We are happy to help no matter what this outcome may be, so for now we are just enjoying her one day at a time. Then JD finds out on June 2 weather or not he will have surgery on his shoulder, the surgeon says yes so I am pretty sure they are going to, this Physical therapy was just a workmans comp requirement. And Kaydens school year is coming to an end. I cannot believe my babe is going to be going to second grade, he is such a good little guy and we are so proud of him. He made me a Mothers Day Calendar at school and his face lite up when I opened it. Little things that make a mama's heart melt. :) I love my boys more then anything in the world, and no matter what they put me through during the day, which is usually a TON lol, I love to just walk in after they fall asleep and give them a smooch and whisper I love them. I treasure every day with them and cant wait to share their little sister with them soon. They are both so excited, I think Ryker is just because he see's Kayden, but still its so dang cute. haha. I am so thankful for my awesome husband who does anything and everything for me and the boys, and Maddy at the time, and dont know what I would do without them. :) Now...onto deciding what to decorate the babys room in........hhhmmm, PINK! YAY!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

The good (baby) The bad (JDs shoulder) :) :(

So the baby ultrasound was so cute this time!! The baby has little toes and little fingers and was jumping all around. I love it! :) Its nice and healthy and the heartbeat is still fast and steady. I cant wait to find out what were having on May 10th, its going to last forever to just get here. lol. And then.....JD was working on Friday and hurt his shoulder when he was trying to get a hitch on the truck there and his shoulder popped and started to burn, he was unable to use it all weekend then attempted work today and ended up leaving early to get to the doctor, the doctor said that its appearing to be a torn muscle in his rotator cuff and there is a possibility of surgery, he said that you can have a small injury to a rotator that is just basically arthritis that JD has always had just like in his other shoulder, but when something tears it, it is nooo good. So were hoping for the best, we have gone through all this wonderful Workmans Comp crap with his knee before we were married and its such bullshit and I am sure somewhere someone will find a way to screw us but this is to the point that its going to have to be repaired now with no acceptions. JOY! I feel so bad for JD because he is feeling bad that he is not able to work to the full capability but this is not his fault and this is something that was caused by work to go bad and tear so it should be taken care of since there has never been an issue diagnosed previously from the doctor he has just had the regular aches and pains that anyone who works that hard has, so this is NOT an existing problem. So we have to make the appt with the Ortho Surgeon and they will decide where to go from here, wish us luck PLEASE.....

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My life is pretty awesome! :)

So we have been super busy. We had spring break and it was so fun! I was dreading it a little I'll be honest, its hard to entertain Kayden, he has high expectations when it comes to just sitting home, we have to be watching a specially ordered movie or playing outside or something ALL the time. But this vacation was relaxing and fun. We just hung out at home and went to lunch with Jade when we could so it ended up being really good. We had the Easter Bunny visit and he brought the kids some special little surprises and they were so happy! JDs parents came over for Easter breakfast and WE (Jade, I, and our boys) had a good time. They were onory and irritated so they were being debby downers. Billie saw some alcohol in our fridge and instead of realizing we are adults and we can have it there, she got all mad and was a rude person the whole time. OH WELL! We made sure our kids had fun and enjoyed themselves and we had fun. After that we took a nap, then took the boys fishing and they had a blast. Ryker is going to be a total fisherman, he gets all silly and excited when we go. After that we got a call from my Mom inviting us over for a BBQ with my brother and sister. Jade had some painting he had to finish at home and just told me to go while he finished it up so Me and the Boys headed out there and the boys had SO much fun with all their cousins, they played their little butts off. And we brought home Carson with us to sleep over with Kayden and they were up til midnight playing XBOX then they woke up at 7 and started again. He loves to have soemone over to play with him so I just let them play play play. :) So our Easter weekend was absolutely perfect with our little family, Jade was not on call and was home and we were able to relax and make it good. I love my life, I have the best husband who helps me with anything and everything with no complaints, he is wonderful and I love him more then anything in the world. Of course next to my boys who are wild and crazy and MINE! :) I love Jade and my boys sooooo much, they make my life perfect.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

:0) just wonderful

So things are going really good with the baby and its getting big and growing, the heartbeat is still faster then both the girl??!! And Kayden is going to be on Spring Break for the rest of the week starting tomorrow!!!! AAHH!! What am I going to do to keep them busy? Oh man I better start thinking hard. lol. JD is working like normal and I am home dealing with tiredness and kids and house stuff, just fun some days, so much fun. I have had a really bad pain in my back so JD has been taking care of everything for me so I guess I really cant complain right now, he has cleaned, cooked, done laundry and everything...kinda nice, I wont lie. But Poor Ryk man is sick and has a horrible cough that he cant keep under control so he fun stuff going on this week, I am pretty sure I am going to be going crazy by the end of spring break since I am not entertaining enough for Kayden. lol. Wish me luck!! :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Well hello there, its been a while! far I am 8 1/2 weeks pregnant, the baby is doing great and growing like a little babe should grow, the heartbeat is a little faster then the boys by about 25 beats a possible this is our grill..but I started to have some pain in my upper back on the side of my back and it just came on one day as a little irritating pain, the next day it was a little worse, then I went to sleep and tried to get up at 2 am to go to the bathroom and tried to sit up and just screamed and started crying uncontrollably, well I took some Ibu and went back to bed and Jade went to work I woke up to get Kayden to school and once again couldnt move so needless to say Kayden didnt get to school, I called JD crying my eyes out and couldnt breathe or move so he told me that I needed to go to the ER, I called my doc, they said the same thing. I was scared thinking I was misscarrying or something, so Jade left work and rushed home to take me, I was in the ER from 9 am to 3 pm, they came to the conclusion that I have "gravel" kidney stones, that means there are a ton of tiny ones so they have no timeline of when I might feel better, and they said there is a thing called hydronephrosis, you get it during pregnancy and its where your kidneys are surrounded by extra fluid during pregnancy and it causes extreme pain all through your pregnancy, and I also have that too..but they checked the baby and it had a head and body this time! So cute! So the babys heart was beating great and the baby was fine..thank god! So here I am bedridden, and on super strong pain meds, the pain meds are only making it to where I can move in bed and get up for just a second at a time, if I didnt have them I am pretty sure I would be crying my eyeballs out completely. But as long as my baby is alright I will deal with what I have to to make the baby healthy and keep on truckin. :) Right now JD is doing all the cooking, cleaning, and everything, which makes me extremely thankful and at the same time sad, he is working his ass off at work then coming home and staying up late and getting all the stuff done that I am not able to do. I appreciate him more then anything, he is so awesome and just steps up and doesnt complain a bit and just picks up the slack for me. :) I love him so much! I am so lucky! Now onto resting and praying to god this crap goes away and I can feel a little better....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ITS A...BABY! lol

So went in for the ultrasound today and there is indeed a baby there! I am 6 wk 5 days and due Oct 30. Finally! The thing thats kinda good is I havent had the sickness like I did with both the boys, I have just been reallllly tired, so other then that feeling pretty good. Will update!

Friday, March 5, 2010

dammit dammit dammit!!!! lol

So, I took all the medicine that the doc told me to take to start my period, and NADA, so I told JD I would take it all and two days after I would take a Digital Test to prove to him that I WAS!! And today was the second day after, I still feel preggo and shitty. So I got a test....POSITIVE!!!! FINALLY!!!!! So now onto see if the medicine that the doc gave me caused the baby problems, if so there is going to be a HUGE problem. But we are staying positive and waiting it out, I am hoping my doc can call me today and get the blood work ordered so I can see exactly how far along I am, I am thinking..Just thinking..I am about 8-9 weeks......

Thursday, March 4, 2010

:P fun stuff

So this week went by so fast, I have been tired, and still feeling like poo!!! Ugh! I cant wait to one day feel normal again...One day! lol Kayden has been having to do a little extra reading at home for school, it is SO freaking hard to get Ryker to cooperate while taking the time to get quiet and focus on just Kayden and his book, so I have had a little bit of a rough time. I am ready for this weekend to be here, other then JD is on call Fri and Sat anyway. BLAH! But thats alright, we need the extra money so I shouldnt complain. This weekend we need to get out of the house and do something FUN, like park, or something! ANYTHING! haha I have been helping JDs mom since she is sick and having issues with her back so I am more then tired with just my crap then to assist her with her stuff is killing me. But I can do it! I can do anything! Right!?!? haha This week my kids have actually been fairly good with helping me since I am helping Grandma, they are all concerned on what is going on with her and if she is alright, its so cute, they know who loves them, and they love those people right back 10 fold. My boys are the sweetest little things when it comes to someone getting hurt or sad they are so concerned and are willing to do anything you say. Love it! :) For three nights they both have helped me make awesome yummy dinners and clean the house and everything so thank goodness for that! I got a new phone that they totally think is awesome too, they love the touch screen and the noises that it makes when they touch it they find it very entertaining! So funny! But its late, I am tired, and I am off to a nice hot bath then bed...aaaahhhh, sounds great I know...CYA!

Monday, March 1, 2010

I love my life!!!!!!

So JD went to work today, I went and got my nails done at 4 and as soon as I was done me and the boys went to get some IceCream with my Mom, she called and asked if we could meet her, so I said sure why was actually fun, we talked and had a normal convo. I came home and JD watched the kids and let me just sit and do my thing. He put the kids to bed at 7 and started to clean and got the house all cleaned up for me, then continued to scrub my bathrooms! He is such a great guy, and dad. I am so lucky to have him. He is always willing to do whatever with no complaints :) I love being part of his life, I love having our family, my kids spike my stress level quite often and my voice, but there is nothing better then being their Mom, and taking care of them. Just to hear them say "I love you" or "Your the bestest Mom ever" or anything cute and random makes it all worth the stress. This life gets very hectic and crazy at times, but it is mine and I love every moment of it! I am a very lucky wife, I dont work, I dont have to worry about anything like that, I drive around a very nice vehicle, I have nice clothes, and house. I have everything I could ever ask for and need so I am a lucky person and I love my husband so much for making that all possible! He even calms me down when I am having my moments where I am pretty sure I am losing my mind and he takes care of everything for me so I can chillax, he is amazing. Yay! I am so happy I found him! :) And I know he thinks the same of me, he tells me all the time, so were pretty happy with eachother I think lol

Monday, February 22, 2010

la de da

So we went on our Vegas trip and it was SSSOOOO fun!!! We got a little crunk, but not too much ;) And, the drive back was horrible! There was so much snow on the roads, then it was a blizzard! Glad we decided to take the truck, we almost took the car, but we got home, just took much longer. We had the kids with Howie and Billie and things got all messed up and I had to have Tori take them, she freaking saved our ass' we would have been in a big mess if she didnt. :) The boys were so happy to see us, we were all finally home again, that little bit of time away makes me appreciate even more all the things that I have and that I deal with everyday, its hard to stay home and take care of kids, house, etc. but it is so worth it, I wouldnt change it for a thing. We are back to the normal routine, school, errands and such, other then trying to find JD a new phone...when we were in Vegas I kept telling him to just give me his phone and I would put it in my purse so he didnt break it, well we go to sit down to eat and he says "oh, my phone, i dont wanna break it" as he reached in his BACK pocket, ya, screen all busted, good job there! UGH! lol So I have to find him another one, I dont want to deal with the whole bullcrap of the shipping in and all that, so I am just going to find one on KSL. But the trip was fun fun, we had some fun with Dan and Angie that is a different fun from what it usually is since we have kids around 24-7. lol. But I am so glad they went, they almost didnt since they were sick but they ended up just coming and had a ton of fun. I hope I dont get sick since I shared drinks with them, but at the time it didnt matter lol ;) Angie and I would have done a little more, but the lamo guys werent into some of the stuff we suggested. haha. But our room that they put us in right when we got there was so stinky like sewage by the first morning that I was throwing up and they changed our room, something was wrong with the drain so they put us up on the 18th floor instead of the 6th, little higher, little more anxiety but I did it :) yay! We went to the top of the stratosphere and I totally almost passed out, my heart was racing, I tried, but didnt last long...but in the elevator was a good time HAHAHA Dan was just showing the love, but I was so nervous about the fact of us getting on and going up I didnt pay attention...but pretty much one of the funniest situations EVER! :) But....back to reality and responsibility til next time....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What the shizzzzz

So work is finally pickin up for JD that is so exciting since we are planning our trip trippity!! YAY!! And I have my doc appointment on Friday and they will do an Ultrasound to find out exactly what is going on, I still feel my uterus growing and its making my pants actually stick out really far down..little weird being there is not a baby in it right!? And I still feel all my pregnancy symptoms and am now 13 days late for my period...super odd on all this happening and not being pregnant, I was laying there last night and JD started to poke my stomach and there was this really hard lump right in between my bellybutton and pubic bone that stood alone, it felt so weird and neither of us had noticed it before, I wonder if there is a possibility that this is a eptopic and I am just not getting pain along with it?? Weird, but we will know all the facts on Friday, I cant wait!!!!! And Ryker is officially potty trained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAHHHH!!!! :) On Saturday night I ran out of diapers so I decided now was the time...I put him in underwear, we woke up Sunday and he was dry bed and everything..then Monday came, I thought ok here is the real test, if he wakes up and goes to the bathroom without me telling him..then about an hour after we woke up I started to worry that he was going to just pee, then he ran past me and so did Kayden all the sudden Kayden screams "oh my heck mom, he just went pee in the toilet!!" Then he took his nap and woke up dry, then woke up today(tuesday) and ran past me while I was washing my hands and went into my bathroom and went pee!! And he has gone #2 twice on the toilet, it has been sosooooooooo freaking awesome! The times I tried before he obviously just was not ready, this time he was! I am super excited about not having diapers to change atleast for a bit, he has also decided that he doesnt want to sit in his 5 harness seat anymore so he has been sitting in a booster and he is getting himself all unbuckled and everything so that all we have to do is open the door and he climbs out. Our lives are getting so chill finally!! We have waited for the day that Ryker and Kayden were both able to play games and get in and out of things without us having to worry that Ryker is going to get hurt! We are very much enjoying the kids getting older its giving us some time to focus on us again, Ryker took alot of time and we had to pay attention to him all the time then when it wasnt him it was Kayden so Kayden would still feel loved, so its been kinda rough and Chaotic, so we are loving the stage of our lives right now...then we are still trying to have another so its going to be exciting to find out weather or not we are pregnant and then we can keep trying if not :) Either way we are enjoying this stage in our lives, and will continue to..its awesome...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Wow, seems like life just flies by when you have kiddos to keep you busy! We had another fun weekend, on Friday night we just hung out and spent time together as a family, then Saturday Dan and Angie came over with their kids again, its very nice to have friends that are like brother and sister to us, and our kids actually get along fairly well for there being 6 of them! lol Kayden calls them his cousins, and we are all pretty dang close buddies so its nice to hang out with them, too bad we live so far from them, by the time it gets to be like 9 everyone gets so tired and then has to drive so we have to call it a night. JD and Danno watched Zombieland, me and Angie just kept busy, we arent into the scary the boys once again got a nice peaceful night ;) haha I painted Raegans Toes & Nails, ohhh so freaking cute and fun! I love it! So we did girly stuff while the guys watched a scary show! lol And...went on Saturday and did another blood test, came back hcg levels are at 2, its not high enough to say I am pregnant, I dont know what the hell is going on with my retarded body, its getting super irritating, I have to go to the ob on the 12th and he will do an ultrasound and he will be the one to decided weather or not I am going to have to do a dnc..I am confused, every doc is showing and telling me something diff, so I cant wait to go in and have proof with the ultrasound that either I AM or AM NOT. I still have not started my period, I am now 9 days late, I feel very pregnant and shitty, and I swear I can feel my uterus growing and poking we will see. At this point I am planning on not being just to save the heartache, but I will not be surprised when they say I am it just took a while for my body to get the hcg out...:) uh oh well...will let you know!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Things are great...things are grand!!!

So Angelina JoGreene came over today and played and the guys got home from work and we made some Tacos and let the kids play and go buckwild the whole night! It was fun, we dont ever have anyone come over to our house so it was really fun to have all of them over and play, the kids love when there are other people over here playing with their toys!! YAY! lol And...JD actually got some mad hours in this week and tomorrow is all going to be OT, and Saturday if he works, that is going to be awesome then we can have a even funner Vegas trip! :) Which we are soooooo freaking excited for, we need to get away so bad for a second! We are going to stay in the Stratosphere and go to dinner in the top of it one night..I am a little nervous for that though it is 800 ft in the air and spins 360 degree's while you eat!! AAHH! But it is going to be so freaking fun especially since were going with our BFFFF's :) We are all going to have such a good time, usually there are 6 kids running around us when we are all together so its going to be a blast! JD is so excited to take me, this is the first time I have ever gone and there is a possibility that I am pregnant, so I will go to the doctor next friday and find out for sure what is going on...I am sooo excited, to either find out that I am pregnant, or why the hell I am not having a period and feeling like poo! lol So either way things will be getting figured out! So Vegas will be fun either way since its going to be the first time ever, I did kinda want to drink a little, but I guess if I cant that is alright too! haha So...we will see how it goes..On Saturday I am going to go get another follow up blood test and if it pulls another negative, then I am definatly not pregnant and can have a drunken time in Vegas ;)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So confused!!

I am getting annoyed at the situation with my body right now. I have a strong feeling that the doctor I seen on Friday was a complete careless jackass. I am 6 days late for my period, still feel very pregnant, I am throwing up and everything. I have not bled, I have not had pain that is anything out of the ordinary, I am sure I am pregnant. But I cannot get the tests to say so since I am sooo early in the pregnancy. I will be super surprised if I am not, I will honestly bet something big on it that I am. I called my old Midwife that delivered both my boys and she is very very good at what she does. I told her everything that is happening and she said that I have to be, but I am just feeling everything so soon that they only thing that is going to help right now is patience. She said the window with conception time is very confusing and sometimes it can take 4-7 weeks to get a positive result and she said to not rule it out. I know my body, my body is always doing the same thing with my womenly fun stuff, so I know that this situation going on right now would only be caused by pregnancy, she said that it doesnt sound like a misscarraige in any way shape or form, I would be having HCG and it would either stay the same or go to a peak then down, but its not. The test that the er doc ran was not the same test that they took a few days prior so they cannot be compared and he was wrong even suggesting that I couldnt be knowing that they werent the same test. He did no pelvic exam or anything, she said that he did not do enough to rule anything in or out, he was not thorough enough to even make a final decision. She said to wait til 2 weeks after my missed period and if it does not pull up then, then to go to the er and REQUEST a ultrasound so that they can figure out what is going on. She said there would be no other reason for what is going on that would not end in pregnancy. She said if I make it to that point and still have no pain or anything they would no doubt do ultrasound and see where the baby is, she said if this was eptopic I would be in pain, and bleeding and have pain in one specific area, she said if this was a misscarraige I wouldnt be having a few signs that I am, they would have stopped. So she is sure that I am, but its the waiting period that I am so impatient over and its hard to sit and wait when its Oh ya know..just a BABY!! lol So I am still taking care of myself like I am, and I am still trying to listen to my body and get the rest I need so that the baby can grow and develope if I am. I hope that I am, then on the other hand we can try again next month after we get home from Vegas. This is going to be my first time to Vegas and I did want to drink a little, but I will still have fun if I cant. So right now I just want to know what the hell is going on and why I cant get the answer that I need. So irritating! I am super upset about the damn ER visit, huge bill coming my way and a total jackass who wouldnt even listen to me and do the tests that I was asking for, I would have an answer right now if he would of. So...I will keep you updated, sorry if its annoying people, but I will just try to shut up about it for a bit. lol Thanks for putting up with my bullshit :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sad..but life goes on

So I started to feel a bad feeling that something was wrong, no pain, no bleeding, just another instinct something was up. Went to the doc and had blood drawn, my levels were at zero again. :( AAHHHH!!! I cant do this anymore, this is such a hard thing to go through all the time. I think we are going to call it quits we have two beautiful healthy boys, that run around like crazy and smell like stinky boys...why not love them with all we have then to worry about going through misscarraiges all the time. The older they get the calmer things get, but the more baby hungry we get. We dont want to have a huge gap either between Ryker and another one so we would want it to be sooner then later...but oh well. :) Life goes on, and we still have the wonderfully busy bodies we have, so were going to just focus on them. We are getting ready to go on Vaca with Dan and Angie and were going to be able to actually have the fun that we planned on now that I am indeed not carrying a munchkin, so that should be a blast! I am having some depression today, I stayed in bed til 2 pm, JD just woke up with the kids and played all day with them so I could have my time. I love when he does that, it helps me gather my thoughts again, that have been scattered all over the place since last night. So onto tomorrow..Kayden is going to school, and me and Ryk man have to get out of the house and find something to do. // and...this is a mini-rant....So Billie comes over to my house tonight and tells me that they were at Howies sisters the other day and told them that I was preggo and that Kayden called to tell them, then she continues to say that she thinks that we had Kayden call because we were afraid that Howie would be mad....WHAT THE HELL!!??!!!....Why the FFFFF would we care if Howie was mad at US for getting pregnant? Seriously!?! So I started to get mad at her telling her that is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard come out of her mouth. Why is this any of his business that WE are having another baby, its not like they babysit or anything!!!! She said he might get mad since we dont have insurance....still I am so ffing confused on why that would be any of his business to get mad at us!! OMG! I am still heated over that shit! UGH! :) Thanks for letting me get that out

Thursday, January 28, 2010

life life life :)

So over the past few days JD has not been too busy at work so we have been able to be lazy...its awesome! I am so damn tired that all I want to do is sleep, so its been nice. I was talking to JD about the baby and Kayden walked in and said I know your up to something, so JD said "well bud, what do ya think about having another brother or sister?" Kayden said "Nah, I dont want one to grow taller then me and pick on me" JD said "nobody, I mean NOBODY in this family will grow tall, so you have no worries!" Kayden busted up laughing and said "oh, Ok then sure, where is it?" Then we had to explain to him that he is going to have to wait for it to grow and get healthy...he just walked away confused I think! lol He was so young when we had Ryker that I dont think he remembers anything. So we told JDs mom and dad and the kids, we talked to the doc and since I was feeling good still they said the only chance of misscarraige is if the egg attatched and didnt grow, but since I still feel like poo, and feel the life being sucked out of me then things are going good he believes. So excited! I cant wait to go and get a normal week amount from my OBGYN, they will add the conception weeks too so I will be further along instead of just going off of blood amounts right now in the early week of it starting. We asked Ryker at dinner if he wanted mommy to have a baby, he just said "ya" and looked at me like I was supposed to pull it out of my pocket or something! lol So cute! Cant wait for them to feel something and see something, then they will understand more. We are trying to think of something fun to do this weekend with the kids, we want to get out of the house, we are thinking Hardware Ranch with JDs parents, but never been there so were looking into it. We have been cooped up since I have been so fricking tired that I feel bad, the boys need some attention right now and they need some fun. And....I cant keep my eyes open anymore, so its bedtime, and its only 8 LOL, I took a nap today for two hours, and slept a full night. Good sign its so different though! haha

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baby update!

So talked to my doctor today and he said that on Friday my levels were low enough that he didnt expect to have them raise and that I couldnt have been pregnant yet. I told him I beg to differ! He ordered another count and called me about 2 hours later and said that they had risen enough to make him say I was offically ONE week pregnant and actually did have a baby attatched, he apologized and said that was the first time a women had proven to him there is such thing as instinct! He said that I had litterally felt my hormones changing as the baby was just in concieve stage!!!! He said you have the first two weeks of any pregnancy where the baby is NOT attached to your blood or body so thats were the confusion comes in. Your body can technically kick up the hormones if it knows there is a conception that took place, but the odds of a women feeling that stage are next to nothing. He said that after the two week or so conception stage, it then works its way down to the Uterus and burrows through and attaches to the inside of you and that is considered week ZERO TO ONE, at that point the body starts to put off such a small amount of the HCG that they dont even count it yet, its not until the woment misses her period. HOWEVER, in my case.....I conceived, and immediately felt the hormones going through, then I started to spot/bleed for three days.....this is what made them confident that things are good and alright and this should continue to a normal pregnancy all the way through because I didnt bleedout with pain, that would have told them this was a misscarraige and the blood count wouldnt've been used to tell me anything, but since the bleeding was two weeks before I should have started, and it stopped and then I pull a raise in HCG bloodwork then were ok to say this is a ONE week positive pregnancy! :) YAY! He said I am so in tune with my body its amazing. Which I already knew, I know whats going on....always. I sit here and think about my two healthy boys, and the way that I was pregnant with them, this is how far along I would have been, but I didnt know until I was about 3 weeks further. This time I just felt the hormones going through me so I knew something was up, then I bled a little and that just confirmed my thinking. So since those are the two pregnancies that went good, I am really excited and have faith this is going to go good. (in most cases that the early misscarraiges happen the baby doesnt get attached it actually just comes out like a period, so to know that mine is attached is what makes them think that were ok to be thinking this is going to be a healthy pregnancy, but of course there is always that chance that nothing is in the yolksac or it doesnt develope but we are hoping that doesnt happen either)

Monday, January 25, 2010

:) life is good

So this weekend got started a little early and JD was off before 1, we went to lunch with his Mom and pulled Kayden out of school a tad early so we could have him come..sshhh :)...we went and got all the stuff for Rykers blessing and made sure all that was lined up. We blessed him on Sunday at our house, we just had JDs Mom & Dad, Aunt N Uncle, One Cousin & Wife, and Dan and Angie, it was fun, all the kids are so crazy when they get together. Although, Ryker is the crazy man out of the kids he did ssooooo good while getting blessed, I was so worried that he was just going to try to run away or something while trying to bless him, but he did great. I figured it would either shock the heck out of him trying to figure out what they were doing, or scare him. Luckily I think he was shocked and just held still and quiet! YAY! So finally have him blessed, finally we seriously dragged our feet on that one! lol But atleast its done right!? hormones are raging, JD is funny because he is telling me that all the other pregnancies it was more of a "trust the baby is in there" situation until he went to an ultrasound...he says that I am clearly pregnant due to my moods! :) Which to him he says this could be a good thing, he wants me to get my girly girl. lol. But I have not had much MORNING sickness, it hits me at like 6 pm, I stayed up so late last night because I was so gaggy but I was so damn tired. I am also having this weird thing with my fingers going numb!?!?! lol Read up on that, supposidly thats a very early sign that most women dont get til about a 5th pregnancy, and it gets worse throughout the pregnancy, its to the point that texting is even buggin me..not really looking forward to that..but eh, what can I do!? And...we have not told the kids yet, but we were walking through the store with Billie (JDs mom) and Kayden said "I want a girl" we both looked at him and said "what?" He said "When mom has her baby I want a girl" This was actually before I started to even feel pregnant, so it was a little funny! I am not feeling too great now, lol, but thanks to a awesome husband who will clean, cook, whatever...he will take care of me and the boys while I get through the sickness. Funny how aware your body is of pregnancy once you have experienced it, I can seriously feel everything that my body is doing, so I am having positive thoughts that things are going good in the baking process. :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Everything happens for a reason... our life together as La Robertos, we have been through alot. We have always been super unsure about what we wanted to do religion wise and have had many many struggles to get where we are, we have moved numerous amounts of times that have been things that are not in our control, some were some werent. But as we sit were we are today we look back and realize that everything has seriously lined up the way we needed it to. I have been really sad and torn on the reason that I have misscarried in the past and if it happens again what will we do, then I think back.....In Dec 2008 we were in Clearfield, we had a horrible experience with my sister and "starting a business" with her. We were in a horrible situation that once again, was not caused by us and we hated the house we were in and everything all around, things were horrible at that time. We have always had a hard time with Ryker since pretty much the kid could walk, he is ssoooooo hyper and not interested in things that another kid would be interested in so it has taken a long time to get him acting the way he does now, which is still more active then another so he wears me out like no other! lol But the point is (sorry haha) In Dec 2008 on Christmas I found out I was pregnant, I have never taken birth control, but we at that point we not "preventing" either, On the 27th I started to bleed and get crampy, so went to the ER, they did their thing said that if this was a actual misscarraige then I would bleed within two days and have to come back due to pain. So went home that night, woke up at 6 am in absoultey no doubt misscarraige pain. We were so sad, we were really looking forward to it and it broke our heart. Then we ended up moving out of that house and things were a little better, but still not good enough. So here we are today, looking back, there is NOOOO way we were ready for a baby at that point anyway, we are just bearly getting to the stage with Ryker that he is giving us some down time and not requiring so much attention. (and at the point of moving into this house I would have had three kids with Ryker out of control! lol)And we have now decided that we are both wanting to go to church and having faith in things we would never have seen that coming..caught us off gaurd! So we know that this all happened for a reason. I am pregnant, I am feeling it, I am not hurting, I am not showing any signs of misscarrying at this point (fingers crossed!!!) I had all the problems with my stomach and I seriously believe it all happened for a reason and thats why I am finally able to have a reason for the misscarraige last time, I think it made this one possible to carry. I think now we are able to handle it and are wanting to have another, but I truely believe if for some reason it does not happen, there was a reason for it. Gotta have faith right!? :) The past few days have been a little interesting...I have been soooo unusually tired, I normall cant even sleep more then five hours and it takes me forever to even fall asleep, and I never want to take a nap when I am not sick. The past few days I have been hitting my pillow at about 9..boom out..sleep like a rock, wake up at 7-8 feeling like I slept like crap :) I like it, it makes me know things are normally functioning and sucking all life out of me! I think JD smells like tools, which is odd, he has ALWAYS used tools, not once have I ever smelt this on him ;) I think its funny! And I feel nada in pain, yet I feel multiple signs in there being a actively growing embryo inside! I am going to go back into the doc to retake the test and make sure my levels are rising, they said I abnormally felt all the stuff way too soon, so my levels are low, but I have too many signs to say no. Plus a trace of hcg just tells them that I am extremely aware of what my body is doing. I got used to that with having my stomach hurt with the cysts that I had to pay very very close attention to weather or not what I was feeling was related to my stomach. So JD is trying to get used to the bitchy part of me again..he is not a fan he said! lol But he is trying to understand so he just lets me get hot and mad, then smiles and hugs me! I love that guy, he is so patient and willing to just shut up to avoid more of a problem, unlike me, I hate that part of me! And we havent told our kids just yet, we want to wait til we hear a heartbeat so they are not confused. So we will keep ya updated and let ya know everything that happens, its all going to go the way its going to go no matter what we we are praying it all goes our way ;)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


So we did it!! Baby #3 in the oven! And so far baking..we are scared this time more then any other. I almost misscarried with Ryker at 13 weeks because of Progesteron levels. But the doctor put me on some medicine and I was alright. Then we tried again in Dec of 2008, I got the positive result, then scheduled the appt and started to bleed and cramp super bad a few days later and misscarried. It was not something that I like going through, not only painwise, but it is mentally hard on me. We have had 3 misscarraiges so far, and this one seems like its not like the others. So we are hoping and praying its alright. I was super sick since October and had bad stomach problems, they have done SSOOOO much blood work, scans, you name it we have done it, and the only problem they were coming across was the spot on my uterus that they said would be considered a tumor until it was removed but they said that wouldnt be the pain. Really they were stumped, I asked the Bishop for a blessing about a month ago, and I am amazed at what a difference having faith and getting one makes. I have litterally had ZERO pains in my stomach. Then the following day I called and asked the doc if it was ok to go ahead and try since we dont want to wait much longer to have another one. He said come in for follow up blood work, and he wanted to look over everything once again to just make sure there was nothing that would actually obstruct growth, he called me back and said that we were ok if I was out of pain, and that all the blood panel came back normal. FIRST ONE SINCE OCTOBER, AND HAD 13 CBC'S DONE!!!! That was soooo exciting! :) So I started to feel sorda off a few weeks ago and told JD I think I am already pregnant, which is odd because with the other kids it took forever before I could get pregnant. Then more things started happening and sure enough, positive test! YAY! It is faint, but the test I got was a cheapo, I dont bother with the expense since I know once its a faint line on the cheapo then were in luck anywhere else! lol So I am scheduled to go in for the first appt on Feb 12. I hope and pray I make it to that first appt, I feel like this is good, so we'll see. We dont want to tell the kids until we actually hear a heartbeat, just in case, we dont want to set them up for dissapointment. Will keep you updated...

Monday, January 18, 2010

What a weekend...

So Me and my Boys have been affected by this wonderful weather in Utah...I have always had a problem with asthma, but never to the point that it affected me this bad. I have lost my voice, my throat feels like its about ready to close completely off, but I can still breath so no worries right!? lol Both the boys have been congested and coughy, but nothing bad, or serious. Its made a rough three or four nights in a row..ugh, then to add to that I decide to start getting a serious pain thinking its my tooth like a normal person, get to the dentist today and I have a Ulcer that has started at my jawbone, and went through and is now exposed in the back of my throat. Ouch! And there is nothing they can do to make it any better, so I get to wait. Thank god for JD and his attitude and letting me do NADA while he takes care of everything, and me. He took today off to make sure I could get all taken are of, he is going back to work tomorrow and he said he is excited to because it is hard to take care of kids..ha! But I am feeling a tad better since I found some stuff at the pharmacy to rub on my thats exciting!! My stomach is still not is so awesome to feel better from that, it was horrible!! Things are going good..we went to church on Sunday and the boys loved it and were SO good! Ryker didnt want to take his new tie off so he kept it on his tshirt for a while cute! This ward is so nice, much different feeling from any other one we have gone to...I feel like a huge hypocrite though, I have always said I do not want to go to the LDS church and be active, yet now there is something different. But, we are NOT going to lead people on thinking were more serious then we are, we will not make them think we are planning on going to the temple or anything like that, we are just going right now strickly for a "Center" in our lives. It may sound stupid, but it has given us something to look forward every week, and its made mine and JDs attitudes different in a good way. So were giving it a serious shot this time, we will see where this goes, we will obviously be happy either way! Now back to life til next time I start thinking...... Ü

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jan 17,2010

So we were driving the other day and JD said he was thinking about Girl names..kinda caught me off gaurd, he said he liked Rayvin, Rayvn, however we spell and I am liking it. I have never heard of it and it would be pretty cute Rayvn Jade or Rayvn Amy (I like the Rayvn version personally) but it was just a cute little thought I thought was cute! I think we will have another boy when it happens though so I will not be dissapointed either way. We have tried to have fun this weekend and stay out of the house, we went to Dan and Angies (JD and Danno work together, and he has a pretty awesome wife that I like to kick it with) we let the kids play like crazy and get tired, went home and then I didnt even get to sleep until 2 am ish, because I have a tooth that is not cooperating, I am not sure its my tooth, or if its something in my jaw or if that might even be the same thing anyway for the dentist to just take the tooth and fix it anyway. I am sickened by what they charge to uninsured someone who dont use any line of any credit and have no credit cards or anything, its a little rough right after Christmas and Kaydens birthday to come up with a minimum of 650 to do a root canal then the will split the remaining 850 in two months...I cant wait to get insurance, we have realized that if we do not buy it outright for ourselves then it is not going to happen through the employer and were getting screwed more and more. I have tried to apply for chip and everything I keep getting denied on everything...ugh!!! But on a positive note, my stomach is feeling better, I am only having a few shooting pains during the day instead of consistant ones. :) I still have the appt set for Feb to figure out what they are going to have to do with the tumor on my Uterus. I am worried still even though my blood work is normal. But I talked to the doc and they gave me the ok to get pregnant and that it will not hurt the baby because the tumor is not inside and not too large, they just said that the only reason they knew it was there was because my problems with my cysts, so if that wouldnt have happened nothing would have we will see!! Ü

Friday, January 15, 2010

hhmm, Mini rant sounds good...

So seeing the earthquake in Haiti happen and watching all the tv clips about it, seeing the pictures, it breaks your heart. But on the same hand..look you see those buildings or houses, or cars, in the background? Take a closer look if you havent..we are very lucky to live in America, this is a GREAT (not even a strong enough word for it) country, we are amazingly lucky to be here, to have the freedom, to have our houses that are built with multiple different materials, they are safe, warm, cold if you prefer. Either way its your choice, you are able to take care of your kids with government assistance if you are in a bad situation. You are not forced to walk to the orphanage and drop them off because you litterally will have them die in your arms. This is something that people need to realize is not FREE!!! I personally have paid for this country to be protected, Nino Livaudais my brother in law was sent to Iraq in 2003..left my sister Jackie with Destre 5, and Carson 2, and she was pregnant with their third Grant. He never made it home, she recieved his last letter he had written before he went out and it was delivered to her being between 3-4 months pregnant by men in suits..only one reason they would be at the door. Horrible horrible situation, she has been through so much, her boys miss their dad everyday. We went to DC in May 07 with them to see his Grave at Arlington. The most humble feeling to know all those soldiers are there because they were protecting this country from being invaded and making our lives miserable. (and not to mention that is just a small fraction who decided to go to Arlington, some are in their hometowns) There is no words for the feeling you get, you see pictures, videos, and such on Arlington, but until you are there looking at the endless amounts of perfectly aligned stones its amazing! We sat down and just looked at his Grave, it was the first time, and only time so far, JD and I had seen it. I sat down with Jackies boys and they just teared up, it was his birthday, they brought little cards to put on his grave and wrote him a little note. Carson wrote "I want you to come back daddy, I miss you so much and Love you". To see that was heartbreaking. Here is a brave man with the attitude of making this a better place for his kids, and generations to come and this is what his kid gets to say to him on his birthday. My sister has done a great job on making sure her boys understand that their Dad was a Hero, and they are very proud of him. They have pictures all over of him, she does a great job at keeping his memory alive. Grant was never lucky enough to learn who his Dad was, but he hears great stories, and he does know Nino. He grabs his pictures and stares at them, she has the most precious picture of him sleeping with the picture on the floor next to him, he fell asleep with it in the middle of the day. Destre was a little older, he was very sad about the whole situation, but he is a very strong guy and stepped right up and was ready to be the man of the house right away, he is a great cousin, my boys love him, he is a very amazing kid that has been through alot. So next time there is a moment that your complaining about a cold shower, remember there is a soldier out there who hasnt showered for days and would take a cold one at any chance given. And the next time we complain about being stressed out about a kid driving us nuts and wont calm down or be good, there is a soldier out there who see's a picture of his newborn and doesnt even know if he will meet them, or hold them. Or the next time you are mad at having to do hard labor for a while and break your back, there is a soldier out there who has been out for months on end with an extra 100+ lbs on their back and are too scared to take off their helmet to wipe their sweat. Please pray for them, they are out in a very dangerous area, and nobody can get them out but our government, and sometimes that is not an option so they fight, they fight their ass' til the end knowing if they dont, they may not make it back. I thank god daily for all the brave ones out there who can have military be part of their family and they wait for a spouse/sibling/parent to come home, I thank god daily that my sister had the strength to keep things so alive and real for the kids. (thanks Nino for what you sacraficed, we will see you again...)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jan 14,2010

Wow..what a day! JD finally had a long long day at work. So tiring for both of us. Then he came home and put a new sensor on my truck just before midnight when he pulled in the garage. He is such a good husband. Ü Things have been going super good, JD finally gave in and just started to open up and be more affectionate, which was our only issue lol, and we are both loving it, he said he didnt realize how much he would like it! yay! haha. Kayden even pointed out while we were driving to school this morning that things were going really good, and mom and dad seem happy! So freakin cute! Once you think your happy there is always something else that happens. I am starting to become a believer in having a center in our lives..the boys have been saying their prayers and are excited to go back to church. We are not going at this full throttle and have any plans on making this a huge serious thing in our life, we are not against completely going to the temple, but we are not worried about that stuff right now. Its just a whole different experience when you go and you see the kids smiling and enjoying it. They are the ones who make us remember to do family is still a little odd to both JD and I but we are getting used to it. Seems like it is helping us though, we honestly have nothing to complain about right this moment, our lives seem so content and there is a feeling of something just being right, right now so were not going to change anything. I went and bought the boys the cutest littlest ties, and shirts and pants today..omg! So adorable! They are both super excited to wear them on Sunday. I think our bad outlook on religion stems from the people in our lives who claim they are good people because they go to church, or they are married in the temple, yet they are getting tattoos and peircings!?! Kinda gives us, the doubters on if thats the road we want or not a super bad look. We have just decided to give it a shot, and so far so good, so we'll see! the blood work results..first time since October that they have come back 100% normal..pretty ironic huh!? haha I have had a few things off every single time and they were doing it often, so very very happy news for us...but the pregnancy one came back negative for now...were not worried, we have two wonderful boys to focus on if things dont go as planned... Ü

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jan 12, 2010

So the weekend was fun and full of busy busy days..we are still recovering. We had Kayden's 7th Birthday party at our house on Saturday, then my niece Kayleigh's who just turned 5 was on Sunday. I ate entirely too much during the parties, but it's been so long sine I endulged like that I made sure to enjoy it, now back on track and remembering how delicious it all was..mmm! On the night of Kaydens party after everyone other then Dan and Angie left, Ryker decided to go in and take all the extra cupcakes and smash them into the leftover cake...then added about 973 toothpicks. Quite the mess, but it looked like he had fun! lol So were still finding little pieces of cake here and there. Kayden got so many cool presents and one of them was a Gameboy Advance from us, he was SO freaking excited to see it, he had this other one that we got him a few years ago and he was ready for a new one. Then there was a remote control motorcycle, JD was stoked to see it, they got it out and was trying to race it, JD had no idea what he was doing and couldnt get it to do anything, so Ryker grabbed the remote from him and just drove it and popped wheelys and everything it was hilarious. And Ryker decided that he wanted that toy, Kayden just surrendered and knew that it wouldnt be worth the fight, such a great brother! Ü Kayden is going to have a early day Wed, and Fri, then no school on Monday and Tuesday..I am going to have to find something to do, they go crazy being stuck in the house!!
I went and got more blood work done yesterday to check a few things since they have no idea what is wrong with me..I should find out soon what the results are. And they were also checking just hoping we got lucky and might already be preggo!! We also went and bought the stuff to replace the Co2 sensor on our truck, JD is excited to get it all done, then the check engine light which drives him totally nuts will be off. So now we have to find a second to get that done...

Starting of the Ba-Log

Ok, so what the heck let's give this a shot..I figure we have crazy enough lives that blogging may be interesting. lol. Ok, first things first I guess, We have decided to try to have another kiddo..this a huge fear about gaining the weight back that I have tried so hard to lose, I am going to have to be SO SO SO careful about that. We talked to the kids about having another baby and Kayden said he would be so happy if he had his own baby in this house that he could help take care precious! And Ryker said ", k!" it was so funny. We are kinda scared just because the simple thought of adding another one will be stressful, but with neither of our families being close we are very nervous about growing old and regreting only having two, what if one decided to move out of state and since they are close the other one follows..ya thinking too much into it, but oh well. We know that when we have another one that is definately all that we want. At this point we are not concerned about it being a boy or a girl. It would be fun to have a girl, teach her all the girly things..but on the same hand we kinda want to have another boy and let the three boys all be buddies and all of them can go hunting with us and all that. If we did have a girl she would be a little tomboy were scared of..haha..we would continue to do all the stuff we do like go hunting, camping, and I am not the average girl who lets JD do everything I always make sure to get in and get my hands dirty helping. We were talking about it last night and JD said a girl would be fun but I would have to start staying home while they go hunting and stuff like that, but I said that I disagree because if we have her grow up being tough and knowing how to hunt, and take care of business then we wont have to worry about her finding a jackass of a guy when she grows up, she will be able to stand her ground and take care of herself and her am sure we are thinking into this way way too much, but it happens! haha // JD is super slow at work this year, usually they are so busy he dont get a second to think, but his time off is being much much enjoyed by us. Kayden has been at school all day and me and Ryk & Jade have been lounging and enjoying the time while we have it. Luckily we didnt go all out on Christmas and saved a little and aren't stressing about money! // Still trying to get Ryker potty trained. He is so stubborn that he is doing it when he wants, then throws a HUGE tantrum when I try to get him to do it..darn kid!! Well, I think those are pretty much the basic things on my we will do this day by day and see how it all Hope you enjoy reading..this life is full of chaos and is very funny and sarcastic, so dont be suprised by anything.....Ü