Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What the shizzzzz

So work is finally pickin up for JD that is so exciting since we are planning our trip trippity!! YAY!! And I have my doc appointment on Friday and they will do an Ultrasound to find out exactly what is going on, I still feel my uterus growing and its making my pants actually stick out really far down..little weird being there is not a baby in it right!? And I still feel all my pregnancy symptoms and am now 13 days late for my period...super odd on all this happening and not being pregnant, I was laying there last night and JD started to poke my stomach and there was this really hard lump right in between my bellybutton and pubic bone that stood alone, it felt so weird and neither of us had noticed it before, I wonder if there is a possibility that this is a eptopic and I am just not getting pain along with it?? Weird, but we will know all the facts on Friday, I cant wait!!!!! And Ryker is officially potty trained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAHHHH!!!! :) On Saturday night I ran out of diapers so I decided now was the time...I put him in underwear, we woke up Sunday and he was dry bed and everything..then Monday came, I thought ok here is the real test, if he wakes up and goes to the bathroom without me telling him..then about an hour after we woke up I started to worry that he was going to just pee, then he ran past me and so did Kayden all the sudden Kayden screams "oh my heck mom, he just went pee in the toilet!!" Then he took his nap and woke up dry, then woke up today(tuesday) and ran past me while I was washing my hands and went into my bathroom and went pee!! And he has gone #2 twice on the toilet, it has been sosooooooooo freaking awesome! The times I tried before he obviously just was not ready, this time he was! I am super excited about not having diapers to change atleast for a bit, he has also decided that he doesnt want to sit in his 5 harness seat anymore so he has been sitting in a booster and he is getting himself all unbuckled and everything so that all we have to do is open the door and he climbs out. Our lives are getting so chill finally!! We have waited for the day that Ryker and Kayden were both able to play games and get in and out of things without us having to worry that Ryker is going to get hurt! We are very much enjoying the kids getting older its giving us some time to focus on us again, Ryker took alot of time and we had to pay attention to him all the time then when it wasnt him it was Kayden so Kayden would still feel loved, so its been kinda rough and Chaotic, so we are loving the stage of our lives right now...then we are still trying to have another so its going to be exciting to find out weather or not we are pregnant and then we can keep trying if not :) Either way we are enjoying this stage in our lives, and will continue to..its awesome...

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