Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jan 12, 2010

So the weekend was fun and full of busy busy days..we are still recovering. We had Kayden's 7th Birthday party at our house on Saturday, then my niece Kayleigh's who just turned 5 was on Sunday. I ate entirely too much during the parties, but it's been so long sine I endulged like that I made sure to enjoy it, now back on track and remembering how delicious it all was..mmm! On the night of Kaydens party after everyone other then Dan and Angie left, Ryker decided to go in and take all the extra cupcakes and smash them into the leftover cake...then added about 973 toothpicks. Quite the mess, but it looked like he had fun! lol So were still finding little pieces of cake here and there. Kayden got so many cool presents and one of them was a Gameboy Advance from us, he was SO freaking excited to see it, he had this other one that we got him a few years ago and he was ready for a new one. Then there was a remote control motorcycle, JD was stoked to see it, they got it out and was trying to race it, JD had no idea what he was doing and couldnt get it to do anything, so Ryker grabbed the remote from him and just drove it and popped wheelys and everything it was hilarious. And Ryker decided that he wanted that toy, Kayden just surrendered and knew that it wouldnt be worth the fight, such a great brother! Ü Kayden is going to have a early day Wed, and Fri, then no school on Monday and Tuesday..I am going to have to find something to do, they go crazy being stuck in the house!!
I went and got more blood work done yesterday to check a few things since they have no idea what is wrong with me..I should find out soon what the results are. And they were also checking just hoping we got lucky and might already be preggo!! We also went and bought the stuff to replace the Co2 sensor on our truck, JD is excited to get it all done, then the check engine light which drives him totally nuts will be off. So now we have to find a second to get that done...

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