Sunday, February 7, 2010


Wow, seems like life just flies by when you have kiddos to keep you busy! We had another fun weekend, on Friday night we just hung out and spent time together as a family, then Saturday Dan and Angie came over with their kids again, its very nice to have friends that are like brother and sister to us, and our kids actually get along fairly well for there being 6 of them! lol Kayden calls them his cousins, and we are all pretty dang close buddies so its nice to hang out with them, too bad we live so far from them, by the time it gets to be like 9 everyone gets so tired and then has to drive so we have to call it a night. JD and Danno watched Zombieland, me and Angie just kept busy, we arent into the scary the boys once again got a nice peaceful night ;) haha I painted Raegans Toes & Nails, ohhh so freaking cute and fun! I love it! So we did girly stuff while the guys watched a scary show! lol And...went on Saturday and did another blood test, came back hcg levels are at 2, its not high enough to say I am pregnant, I dont know what the hell is going on with my retarded body, its getting super irritating, I have to go to the ob on the 12th and he will do an ultrasound and he will be the one to decided weather or not I am going to have to do a dnc..I am confused, every doc is showing and telling me something diff, so I cant wait to go in and have proof with the ultrasound that either I AM or AM NOT. I still have not started my period, I am now 9 days late, I feel very pregnant and shitty, and I swear I can feel my uterus growing and poking we will see. At this point I am planning on not being just to save the heartache, but I will not be surprised when they say I am it just took a while for my body to get the hcg out...:) uh oh well...will let you know!

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