Monday, March 1, 2010

I love my life!!!!!!

So JD went to work today, I went and got my nails done at 4 and as soon as I was done me and the boys went to get some IceCream with my Mom, she called and asked if we could meet her, so I said sure why was actually fun, we talked and had a normal convo. I came home and JD watched the kids and let me just sit and do my thing. He put the kids to bed at 7 and started to clean and got the house all cleaned up for me, then continued to scrub my bathrooms! He is such a great guy, and dad. I am so lucky to have him. He is always willing to do whatever with no complaints :) I love being part of his life, I love having our family, my kids spike my stress level quite often and my voice, but there is nothing better then being their Mom, and taking care of them. Just to hear them say "I love you" or "Your the bestest Mom ever" or anything cute and random makes it all worth the stress. This life gets very hectic and crazy at times, but it is mine and I love every moment of it! I am a very lucky wife, I dont work, I dont have to worry about anything like that, I drive around a very nice vehicle, I have nice clothes, and house. I have everything I could ever ask for and need so I am a lucky person and I love my husband so much for making that all possible! He even calms me down when I am having my moments where I am pretty sure I am losing my mind and he takes care of everything for me so I can chillax, he is amazing. Yay! I am so happy I found him! :) And I know he thinks the same of me, he tells me all the time, so were pretty happy with eachother I think lol

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