Monday, April 12, 2010

The good (baby) The bad (JDs shoulder) :) :(

So the baby ultrasound was so cute this time!! The baby has little toes and little fingers and was jumping all around. I love it! :) Its nice and healthy and the heartbeat is still fast and steady. I cant wait to find out what were having on May 10th, its going to last forever to just get here. lol. And then.....JD was working on Friday and hurt his shoulder when he was trying to get a hitch on the truck there and his shoulder popped and started to burn, he was unable to use it all weekend then attempted work today and ended up leaving early to get to the doctor, the doctor said that its appearing to be a torn muscle in his rotator cuff and there is a possibility of surgery, he said that you can have a small injury to a rotator that is just basically arthritis that JD has always had just like in his other shoulder, but when something tears it, it is nooo good. So were hoping for the best, we have gone through all this wonderful Workmans Comp crap with his knee before we were married and its such bullshit and I am sure somewhere someone will find a way to screw us but this is to the point that its going to have to be repaired now with no acceptions. JOY! I feel so bad for JD because he is feeling bad that he is not able to work to the full capability but this is not his fault and this is something that was caused by work to go bad and tear so it should be taken care of since there has never been an issue diagnosed previously from the doctor he has just had the regular aches and pains that anyone who works that hard has, so this is NOT an existing problem. So we have to make the appt with the Ortho Surgeon and they will decide where to go from here, wish us luck PLEASE.....

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