Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jan 17,2010

So we were driving the other day and JD said he was thinking about Girl names..kinda caught me off gaurd, he said he liked Rayvin, Rayvn, however we spell and I am liking it. I have never heard of it and it would be pretty cute Rayvn Jade or Rayvn Amy (I like the Rayvn version personally) but it was just a cute little thought I thought was cute! I think we will have another boy when it happens though so I will not be dissapointed either way. We have tried to have fun this weekend and stay out of the house, we went to Dan and Angies (JD and Danno work together, and he has a pretty awesome wife that I like to kick it with) we let the kids play like crazy and get tired, went home and then I didnt even get to sleep until 2 am ish, because I have a tooth that is not cooperating, I am not sure its my tooth, or if its something in my jaw or if that might even be the same thing anyway for the dentist to just take the tooth and fix it anyway. I am sickened by what they charge to uninsured someone who dont use any line of any credit and have no credit cards or anything, its a little rough right after Christmas and Kaydens birthday to come up with a minimum of 650 to do a root canal then the will split the remaining 850 in two months...I cant wait to get insurance, we have realized that if we do not buy it outright for ourselves then it is not going to happen through the employer and were getting screwed more and more. I have tried to apply for chip and everything I keep getting denied on everything...ugh!!! But on a positive note, my stomach is feeling better, I am only having a few shooting pains during the day instead of consistant ones. :) I still have the appt set for Feb to figure out what they are going to have to do with the tumor on my Uterus. I am worried still even though my blood work is normal. But I talked to the doc and they gave me the ok to get pregnant and that it will not hurt the baby because the tumor is not inside and not too large, they just said that the only reason they knew it was there was because my problems with my cysts, so if that wouldnt have happened nothing would have we will see!! Ü

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